What’s happening on the farm?

Our broiler Meat birds

These guys are currently in the brooder phase right now where they are getting there needed warmth, nutrition, and protection. They are doing great and growing fast! They will be moving to our pasture in the next couple of weeks where they will have a fresh salad bar of grass, flowers, seeds, bugs, and grubs. We are planning to have our harvest day on April 19th 2020

Pasture-Raised Eggs

Currently, our laying flock is not big enough to support the demand that we have. We are planning to start a large flock through the “egg mobile” model which will allow us to move these hens on pasture just like the broilers. If you never had an egg from a pasture-raised chicken then you have been missing out! We will keep you informed during this process and inform you once we are ready to start selling.

Farm to Fork

Our main goal is to be able to connect you to the farm so you can see exactly where your food comes from and to build relationships. But not only that, we want to make it as simple and easy to get the food directly to you. We are implementing online purchases, card and cash payments and local deliveries. If there is any way that we can make this more covenant for you, we are open to suggestions!

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